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  • Writer's pictureNerry Ann Doctolero




1.1 School Profile

A. Data Sekolah (school data) :

Nama Sekolah ( school name) : SD Muhammadiyah Pakem

Status : Swasta (private)

Akreditasi( accreditation) : Terakreditasi A (accredited)

No SK Akreditasi ( number of accreditation decree) :Dd. 030060

Alamat(address) : Jl Kaliurang Km. 17.5 Tegalsari,

Pakembinangun, Pakem, Sleman 55582

Telpon : (0274) 898 325

NSS : 102040210027

NPSN : 20404585

Tgl Ijin Pendirian (Establishment date) : 30 Desember 2006

Tgl Berdiri ( Date of departure) : 14 Juli 2003

Status tanah(Land status) : Milik Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

(belongs to the Muhammadiyah organization)

No Sertifikat( Certificate number) :

No SK Pendirian (Number of SK establishment) : 186/KPTS/P/2006

Tgl SK Pembuat SK( SK Date maker) : 01 Desember 2006

Lembaga Pembuat SK(SK maker institution) : Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Sleman

Luas tanah (surface area) : 6269 m2

Luas Bangunan( building area) : 5018 m2


VISI (Vision)

  • Terdepan Dalam Prestasi, Teladan dalam Akhlaqul Karimah, Terampil dalam Inovasi Mandiri Berwawasan Lingkungan, Serta Tanggap Bencana.

  • In English: Leading in exemplary achievement in the wisdom of being skilled in independent innovation with environmental insight and disaster response.


MISI (Mission)

1. Terwujudnya pengembakan kurikulum yang adaptif dan proaktif.

- In English : The realization of an adaptive and proactive curriculum development.

2. Terwujudnya proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien

- In English : The process of learning is effective and efficient.

3. Terwujudnya lulusan yang cerdas dan kompetitif

- In English : Smart and Competitive graduates.

4. Terwujudnya SDM pendidikan yang memeliki kemampuan dan kesanggupan kerja yang tinggi berlandaskan keimanan dan ketaqwaan.

- In English : The realization of education human resources who have high ability and work ability based on faith and devotion.

5. Terwujudnya prasarana dan sarana pendidikan yang relevan dan mutakhir.

- In English : The availability of relevant and up-to-date educational facilities and infrastructure.

6. Terwujudnya manajemen sekolah yang tangguh

- In English : The realization of strong school management.

7. Terwujudnya penggalanga biaya pendidikan yang memadai

- In English : The realization of raising adequate education costs

8. Terwujudnya standar penilaian prestasi akademik dan non akademik

- In English : The realization of academic and non-academic performance assessment standards.



Sekolah Ndeso Prestasi Kutho

In English: School ndeso achievement kutho



1. Terwujudnya pengembangan kurikulum yang adaptif dan proaktif

- In English: The realization of an adapative and proactive curriculum development

2. Terwujudnya proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien

- In English: The realization of an effective and efficient learning process

3. Terwujudnya SDM yang memiliki kemampuan dan kesanggupan kerja yang tinggi

- In English: The realization of human resources who have high ability and work ability.

4. Terwujudnya sarana dan prasana pendidikan

- In English: The realization of educational facilities and infrastructure

5. Terwujudnya manajemen sekolah yang tangguh

- In English: The realization of strong management.


1.2 Academic support system

These are the support programs to accelerate their learning progress and to be able to meet the learning standard:

1. Studi Alam setiap Akhir Tahun (Natural studies at the end of each year)

2. Field trip setiap akhir Semester I (Field trip at the end of semester I)

3. Out bond Family setiap akhir Semester II (Out bond family at the end of Semester II)

4. Sholat Sunat Dhuha (Circumsion Prayer duha)

5. Sholat Wajib Berjama’ah (Prayers are obliged to congregate)

6. Ta’ziah dan Sholat Jenazah di lingkungan sekolah bila ada yang meninggal (Taziah and prayer in the school environment if anyone dies)

7. Bimbingan Keputrian (Keputrian guidance)

8. Studi Banding (Comparative study)

9. Lomba Mata Pelajaran dan Ketangkasan (Subject competition and agility)

10. ESQ Songsong Ulangan dan Ujian (ESQ takes Ulangan and Exams)


1.3 Teaching System

SD Muhammadiyah Pakem Swasta sekolah uses the following teaching system approach:

· Scientific approach- The school teacher investigated to found out the learner’s needs, because they are too engaged in the children and employed different strategies in different class section.

· Learner centered approach- based on my observation, the school teachers Mrs. Fitri and Ms. Windria, they had these different instructional materials used in the classroom yet they are more on activities just like in English subject, Ms. Pratiwi had an activity of letting her pupils spoke in front of the class wherein they had translated the time into an English language. The children participated actively in the class discussion.


1.4 Materials and other learning sources

1. Textbooks

2. Educational technology such as a projector, laptop, and projector screen

3. Worksheets

4. Flashcards, printed or still pictures, puppets etc.

5. Videos, songs

6. Powerpoint presentation

7. Internet sources.


1.5 Measurement and evaluation system

SD Muhammadiyah pakem has a formative test and summative test.

· Formative like quizzes, projects, classroom activity, and;

· Summative test like midterm examination and final examination.


1.6 Curriculum

· SD Muhammadiyah pekam swasta sekolah uses the 2013 curriculum


1.7 Teaching plan (of your major)

The English teachers in the school where I was assigned, SD Muhammadiyah pakem, use the PPP or Presentation, Practice and Production, a method of teaching structure for grammar and vocabulary specifically the English language. It has three phases moving from tight teacher control towards greater learner freedom based from my observation, the teachers presented new concept to the children and afterwards they are given a workbook to answer some activities from the lessons being presented.

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